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Animal Communication Class

Connect • Understand • Relate


A good relationship starts with good communication.


You may know when your animal companion is hungry, not feeling well, or wants to play. But….do you ever desire to communicate beyond the basics?

If you:

  • love animals.

  • desire to strengthen your connection with them.

  • wonder what animals are thinking and feeling.

  • ever feel like your animals are trying to communicate but don’t know what they’re saying.

  • wish you could ask an animal what was behind a behavior, training, or health issue.

  • wonder if you’re making the right decisions for your animals.

  • want their input or know their preference on any given topic.

  • aspire to communicate but don’t think you can.

This class if for you! Know that all this and much more is possible.


With greater understanding comes greater awareness and connection. 


"This was a wonderful experience! It not only gave me tools to communicate with animals, but also opened my heart

to an increased awareness of the beauty that is all around us.  Now when I am outdoors I feel so much life around

me, life that I was unaware of before this class.  I can’t recommend this class enough—it will do so much for

all areas of your life. Thanks Diana!"

 -Nancy Ianelli


Animal communication isn’t just for a few with the special “gift”. . . you’re born with this ability! It’s just as natural as the verbal language you use. All it takes is desire and a bit of practice, to re-awaken your ability and learn to comfortably use it.


In this 4-week online class you’ll learn:

  • Your specific communication language. (We all have a different type.)

  • Practical steps and application to develop and refine your communication style.

  • How to make friends with the voice of doubt and trust the information you receive.

  • Practical steps and applications to develop and refine your communication style. 

  • A proven, step-by-step, method for asking and receiving your own guidance and answers.

  • How to read the “roadmap” of information and messages you receive.


You’ll also:

  • Develop your personal process for accessing connecting and beginning communication with an animal.

  • Learn to recognize the difference between solid intuitive information received and random thoughts.

  • Create a practical plan on how to use continue to strengthen and grow your skill and ability.


What’s included?

  • 4 weekly calls that are a rich blend of content, Q&A & practice.

  • Recordings of each weekly call available through the end of the course.

  • 1 private, 15-minute call with Diana to refine your communication style.


Workshop Details
Dates: Wednesday's, November 13th & 20th, December 4th & 11th
Time: 6:00 –7:30 p.m. MST
Registration: $145 

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A Couple More Thoughts from Others . . . .

"After years of working with horses professionally, I stepped out of the arena in order to take some extended time off to heal both my body and my spirit.  Having this time away has allowed me to slow down and reconnect with myself.   I’ve taken this opportunity to explore my curiosity around feelings and messages I felt I was receiving from many horses over the years.  These experiences were kept to myself out of fear of what others might think if I shared them.  I have been reading about Diana’s workshops for the past several years and finally have had the chance to work with her.  Working with Diana in her Animal Communication Class as well as her Spirit Animal Guide Class has given me the confidence to accept and own my connective experiences with horses as well as other animals.  Through Diana’s coaching in the process of acceptance, I have gently worked to find my inner-self and am learning to trust myself. She has supported me in understanding that it is okay to be vulnerable and show my authentic self.  When my authentic self shows up, it allows others to feel safe in being authentic too.  I am so thankful and relieved to be able to practice animal communication skills openly, honestly, and with a structure that includes ways to test the validity of what I’m receiving and sending.  This work will definitely enhance my professional work once I return to it.  I can’t thank Diana enough for her patience, professionalism, kindness, and encouragement.  I highly recommend her courses to anyone that wants to enrich their life and relationships."

-Darcie Litwicki
Silver Heart Ranch

"It was early 2018, when I opened my mind, heart, and intuition to learn to more deeply communicate with animals. Growing up on a farm, I have a deep affinity for animals and felt that I'd been communicating with them on some level, but I was never sure. I'm sure now. I discovered that I can do this, and I've verified messages with the animals' humans. I'm confident in my ability to tune in and focus on the animals. And I've had some funny conversations with them! And some comforting communications with those who have passed. I highly recommend Diana as a teacher and this class for anyone who is ready to talk to the animals."

-Lauria Battaglia

Aligned at Work


Diana Gogan

Spiritual Life Coach & Wayfinder

Cave Creek, AZ

Tel: 480-720-0676

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