Animal Reiki For Pets
Just like people, your animal companion will find Reiki to be relaxing, healing and enjoyable.
Valued by many pet owners, Reiki:
supports medical conditions and treatments
helps change and resolve behavioral issues
helps release emotional trauma
reduces stress and anxiety
is a comfortable and supportive to animals ready to transition
Being gentle and non-invasive Reiki doesn't cause stress, discomfort, or pain, and yields powerful results.
Some of the things Reiki can help:
Health issues
Aging related concerns
Changes in their environments (new home, addition or loss of other people or animals, change in routines, etc,)
Recover from a trauma (abuse/neglect, moving, illness, injury, etc.)
Behavioral issues
Animal Reiki sessions are most effective when given in the animals normal environment, whether that be a stall, field, kennel, or home. This is where they are generally most comfortable and at ease. With this in mind I come to you. No need to transport your animal to a new, strange environment. Also, due to the nature of Reiki and energy work I do not need to be on location. This is called a distance session. I'm happy to provide more information about this option.
Contact me with questions about Reiki for your pet and to arrange a session.
Animal Reiki sessions are $85. Depending on your location a trip charge may also be apply for in-person treatments.