I settled. The sneaky part is I didn't realize I'd settled.
I followed the plan. Married, had career I was advancing in, financial stability and success, relationships/family, and all the other check marks on the list.
It was good, until it wasn't. Only I didn't realize it wasn't. Or, maybe at times I did and didn't want to rock the boat so shoved aside any alarms that were going off and kept pushing forward. Isn't' that what a strong woman does?
One day I realized that while just about all the items on the list of a successful life had a next to them, there were so many that never made the list. These were the things my soul craved, things I thought had no practical purpose other than to bring me joy, adventure and great satisfaction. And those could wait until later.
Until they couldn't. And then that's when I shook the snow globe up and all those orderly parts of my life where forever changed.
Today I can honestly say I'm going after the life I want. AND -- I guide others ready to do the same.
If settling is no longer an option....let's talk and go after the life you want.