Years ago, I found myself in a position many dream of—a fast-tracked career in the banking industry. My job was secure, paid well, and came with opportunities for growth. But beneath the surface, my heart and soul were suffocating. Many mornings, I cried in the parking lot before heading into the office. Despite the perks, something essential was missing—I was losing myself.
I kept telling myself that this was just the price of success. “No pain, no gain,” I thought. I rationalized that the long hours and emotional drain were necessary sacrifices for the bright future ahead. I repeated the common mantras: "put in the time," "this is just how it is," "be grateful for what you have." But my body and spirit told me otherwise. The stress and unhappiness were eroding who I was at my core.
Then came a turning point. My husband sat me down for a heart-to-heart. He could see what I couldn’t—or didn’t want to admit. My once joyful and optimistic self had become dark and heavy. I wasn’t just stressed; I was different. And it wasn’t just affecting me, it was impacting our relationship too. I’d been so focused on keeping it together that I hadn’t realized how much I was falling apart.
We talked about my options, but I was stubborn. I defended the job, thinking of the potential it held and the financial security it offered. The idea of leaving terrified me. I had fleeting daydreams of starting my own business, but what would that even look like? Could I make it? What would people think if I walked away from such a promising career? These thoughts swirled in my mind, feeding my fear and keeping me stuck.
The thought of stepping away from security filled me with self-doubt. I didn’t feel ready at all. I told myself I needed more time to plan, more skills to develop, or a clear sign from the universe giving me permission. I felt like I had to have every detail mapped out before I could make a move. The belief that I wasn’t enough as I was kept holding me back. My readiness, I thought, would come from having all the pieces in place.

But here’s the truth I discovered: readiness comes from within. It isn’t about having a
perfectly crafted plan or waiting for some external validation. It’s about a deep inner knowing, a sense of alignment with your heart and soul, and trusting that when they say "Yes," you are ready—even if the next steps aren’t clear.
After some soul-searching and with my husband’s unwavering support, I finally gave my 30-day notice. That leap of faith was terrifying—and thrilling. I had no idea how things would turn out, but I knew I had to follow the pull of my soul.
The journey since has been full of twists and turns. I dipped my toe into real estate and, after some success, found myself drawn to coaching. Initially, I thought coaching was just a way to improve my real estate career, but it quickly became clear that it was something more. It was the personal growth I experienced that ignited my passion. I realized my true calling was to help others find that same fire within themselves. At that time, horses weren’t even part of the picture, but over time, my coaching career evolved, growing into what it is today—a blend of spiritual and equine-assisted coaching.
Looking back, I wasn’t prepared for this leap at all. But I was ready, and that’s what made all the difference. I trusted I would find my way, even when I couldn’t see the full path ahead. Plans and preparation have their place, but they aren’t what makes you ready. Readiness comes from within—a trust in yourself and the process. The path has been anything but straight, with pivots, surprises, and the occasional step back, but it’s been mine, and that’s what matters.
Trusting the “Yes”
When your heart and soul say “Yes,” that’s your true state of readiness. It’s that inner voice saying, "you’re ready, even if the path isn’t fully clear." Your job is to trust that feeling. The universe has a way of meeting you halfway when you take that first brave step. Letting go of the need for all the details creates space for things to unfold as they’re meant to.
It’s like walking into the unknown with the trust that the next step will appear just as you need it. Vision and trust go hand in hand—not necessarily a detailed plan, but an inner knowing of the direction your soul is guiding you toward. Then comes the courage to move forward and surrender the rest to the universe.
Moving Beyond “Not Enough”
The belief of "not enough' often shows up when we rely too much on planning. We tell ourselves we need more time, more experience, or more knowledge before we can act. But waiting for everything to line up perfectly often means staying stuck. Readiness isn’t about having it all figured out—it’s about aligning with your heart’s desire and trusting that you have what it takes to move forward.
The next time you feel that pull in your heart but your mind starts questioning, pause. Check in with your soul. Chances are, you’re more ready than you think. Respond with a determined “Yes,” and trust that the universe will take care of the rest.
Are you feeling the pull to make a change but unsure if you’re truly ready? Don’t wait for the perfect plan to fall into place—trust the “Yes” that’s already in your heart. Take the first step toward the life that’s calling you. Whether it's a new career, a relationship shift, or a personal dream, your readiness comes from within.
If you're ready to explore what’s next, let's connect. Join me for a coaching session or explore one of my upcoming workshops, and together, we’ll uncover the path that’s meant for you. Your Soul knows the way—are you ready to follow it?